Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. Isa. 54:2

We believe The Lord has called us to “lengthen our cords and strengthen our stakes.” We are embracing an opportunity to link our past and the future and continue to pray, and take bold steps of faith to build our legacy.

That’s why we have adopted the idea of a Legacy Stewardship Campaign.  We are underscoring Faith, Family and Future to brand this campaign. It’s not just about raising money or brick and mortar, although reaching financial goals will make many other things possible. This ongoing campaign is about stretching to reach a God-given dream. If we allow God to do a deep work in our hearts and release a new level of generosity we can literally shape our church’s future.

This page will acquaint you with our Legacy Stewardship Campaign through inspirational and instructive videos and downloadable materials. Let’s join together in prayer and action to make our dreams a reality.